In the News

May 16, 2024, Albuquerque Journal, “Turning the tap in To’hajiilee: Long-awaited water pipeline construction underway to bring clean water

Former County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley, who championed the project, said when she first heard about the water challenges in To’hajiilee, she knew “we’ve got a fight on our hands.” And it was, as challenges ensued as the community fought for easements from some landowners in the region.

“It’s shameful that it had to take so long,” O’Malley said. “I want to thank you for your persistence and your patience.”

May 14, 2024, Recap of the Senate District 13 candidate forum, by Peter Rice, Downtown Albuquerque News

The two candidates have thus been traipsing around the district, knocking on doors, pressing the flesh, and attending various events and forums. Last week they converged on the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center for a forum sponsored by the Near North Valley Neighborhood Association and moderated by the DAN editor. Here's a breakdown of the questions asked and links to audio of their answers.”

May 14, 2024, ABQ The Paper, Once Friendly, Now Foes

“I just feel like I want more from my senator,” O’Malley tells The Paper.  

She says the district’s residents are in dire situations that could get worse if not addressed soon. 

“We have more homeless than we ever had, we have more working poor than we’ve ever had. Children arrive at school and they haven’t had a thing to eat,” O’Malley says. “These are very alarming things to me. That means we’ll have generations of children who are at a huge disadvantage. It’s very disturbing, just from a level of the human condition.” 

May 14, 2024, Our opponent's donors worry he's being "challenged by a Progressive" by Team O’Malley for Senate District 13

“We know that these corporate, wealthy special interests have a favorite in this race and it’s NOT Debbie. They want to keep the incumbent — the status quo — because that’s good for their bottom line. So who really shares your progressive values?” 

May 11, 2024, It's about working families — not big corporations  by Team O’Malley for Senate District 13

“Debbie has not taken a cent from the oil and gas industry—she got her start fighting polluters and pushing government to take action. Debbie will go to Santa Fe to stand up to the corporate special interests and their outsized influence on policy.”

May 6, 2024, These endorsers know I'm a fighter by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13

“I’m running to be a fighter for our community. What we need most in Santa Fe right now are leaders who will stand up for the needs of working families and our environment, and leaders who are unafraid to stand up to the corporate special interests and their outsized influence on policy.”

April 25, 2024, There’s a target on my back by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13

“Let's be clear: this new PAC targeting me is not about race or defending Hispanic values, but about corporate special interests not liking my record.”

April 24, 2024, Hope you had a great Earth Day! by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13

“As a City Councilor and County Commissioner, I continued fighting against the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color and low income communities in Albuquerque — from pushing back against sprawl developers, to appointing health experts to the Air Quality board, and bringing clean drinking water to To'hajiilee.You can count on me to do more for our environment and communities in the State Senate.”

April 21, 2024, Here's why these educators are with me by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13

“I benefited from attending great public schools here in Albuquerque — and I will always stand up for their needs and the needs of New Mexico’s children. The future of our state depends on it!”

April 15, 2024, Debbie’s made it known — there's no room for extremism by Team O’Malley for Senate District 13

“In 2013, when Debbie was a County Commissioner, she sponsored legislation to stop anti-abortion extremists from harassing and picketing outside the homes of doctors who provide reproductive healthcare. With the near total ban currently happening in Arizona, it’s more important than ever that women in New Mexico and patients who come here for access to a safe abortion, should not have their safety threatened.”

March 28, 2024, My fight for environmental & economic justice by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13 

“In the late 1980s, my neighbors and I — who were raising our families in the working-class Sawmill neighborhood — organized to force the City of Albuquerque to cite a particle board manufacturer nearby for illegally emitting pollutants into the neighborhood at night. We also pressured the state to require this industry to stop dumping industrial waste into unlined pits on their property, which had contaminated the groundwater for a quarter of a mile.”

March 17, 2024, Public service runs in my family by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13

“My mother, Lydia Torres-Romero, actually inspired me to stand up for our neighborhoods. Just like “Rosie the Riveter,” my mother worked on an aircraft assembly line during World War II. When she and my father, Nick Werner-Smith, got married and moved into their first home at 15th and Sawmill, there was no running water. My mother grew so tired of rinsing her children’s diapers outside that she started a door-to-door petition drive to put in water and sewer lines in the Sawmill neighborhood — and it worked.”

February 24, 2024 by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13, I know a bad deal when I see it

“The Santolina Master Plan encompasses 14,000-acres of undeveloped land on the Westside. As the County Commissioner who represented the North Valley and part of the Westside, I worked to shine a light on the millions of dollars of tax subsidies required to build out this “city” — because I know a bad deal when I see it.”

February 16, 2024 by Debbie O’Malley for Senate District 13, I'm running for State Senate District 13

“Now, I am running for State Senate District 13 to use my skills and experience to further uplift families, women, and children while serving in the New Mexico state legislature.”